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Jun 07, 2021 by: Rabbi Shmuli Slonim, Chabad Jewish Student Center at Rice University
Last week I was lost and was davening for the best. This week I know what I have to do, how I have to do it, and when I have to do it. This clarity translates into optimism and confidence that is very much reflected in my conversations with our current and potential partners
Aug 20, 2020 by: Name withheld upon the request of this new Schlaich.
Dear Rabbi Brod, I just finished watching the last session last night, which - as the rest of the sessions - was very well presented. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the amazing course. It got me thinking a lot, and IY"H I hope it'll be a big help in the way I do things - for the future bez"H. As a new shliach - having just moved here a few months ago, the ideas and practical solutions presented, helped bring much more clarity to this "scary" thought of having to fundraise, and not knowing how to do it effectively etc. But most importantly, it sort of shifted my mindset to taking a more proactive approach, as well as giving me practical tools of how to implement it. Not to mention the amazing seder of the way things were presented. Yasher koach godol!
Aug 20, 2020 by: THE JEWISH DISCOVERY CENTER, Your neighborhood "Center for Jewish Life" in the North
Thank you so much for today's beautiful presentation. I took your full seminar when I first went on Shlichus over 20 years ago and have used the ideas throughout. Always good to review.